La basse cour du château de Regnéville sur Mer
©La basse cour du château de Regnéville sur Mer|Département de la Manche

The lower ward


Before the creation of the dyke and then the coast road at the start of the 20th century, ,  the lower ward was directly exposed to attack from the sea. Nonetheless, it is here that the seigneurs and successive owners chose to live, occupying the north and west wings of the castle.


Before the creation of the dyke and then the coast road at the start of the 20th century, ,  the lower ward was directly exposed to attack from the sea. Nonetheless, it is here that the seigneurs and successive owners chose to live, occupying the north and west wings of the castle.

Successive evolutions

Badly damaged by the sea, the castle was in very poor repair when Roland de Gourfaleur bought and restored it, from 1582. After the dismantling in 1637, the housing was re-established, but having lost any military role, the castle retained only a residential and agricultural function. In the 19th century, it was made more habitable and the west wall was opened with windows with a view of the sea. The outbuildings were successively used as marble works then in the mid 20th century as a ship yard.


> Why were the window openings on the west side valued in the 19th century ?
Answer : The castle became a residential habitation in the 19th century and a sea view was highly sought after.
